Challenge Accepted!
Your gift can go further thanks to the Charles Schwab Challenge Grant!
Donate Equipment
Donating your gently used equipment is a great way to support First Tee – Connecticut.
Charity Classics
Our Charity Classics offer individuals and sponsors the chance to support young people while enjoying a first-class hospitality experience.
Matching Gifts
Think of it as free money you are empowered to employ on behalf of your community.
Game Changers Society
We are most grateful to those in our Game Changers Society for their ongoing support!
Legacy & Planned Giving
A legacy or planned gift is a wonderful and thoughtful way to honor First Tee – Connecticut’s continued success.
Donations & Contributions
If you would like to make a tax-deductible monetary contribution to First Tee – Connecticut, you can do so in one of the following ways. Our Federal Tax ID# 06-1510744 is officially listed as The Connecticut Golf Foundation, Inc.
Online Donations
- Click on the “Donate ” button above to visit our hassle-free and secure online donation page.
Credit Card by Phone
- If you would prefer not to pay on-line, you can call our office at (860) 882-1660.
- Donations may be made using MasterCard (our preferred partner!), Visa, American Express or Discover.
Check or Money Order
- Make your check payable to First Tee – Connecticut and mail it to us at:
- 55 Golf Club Road, Cromwell, CT 04416
Donor Advised Funds
- A simple, flexible and tax-advantageous way to give to your favorite charities.
- As an eligible IRS-qualified public charity (501 c3), First Tee – Connecticut is eligible and ready to accept gift from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF).
In Honor & In Memoriam Donations
First Tee – Connecticut gratefully accepts donations in honor of or in memory of an individual. We always send acknowledgments to the individual or their family with the donor’s name and mailing address.
One of the most touching ways that the community supports First Tee – Connecticut is by allowing us to share in the legacy of a loved one who has recently passed away. This may be an individual who loved the game of golf or loved supporting young people.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in Mr./Mrs. Smith’s memory to First Tee – Connecticut, a youth development organization that enables young people to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. First Tee – Connecticut; 55 Golf Club Road, Cromwell, CT 06416 or
Please contact Marie Bernatchez at (860) 882-1660 if you would like to make an “In Honor” or “In Memory” donation in this manner or simply add a comment to your online donation.
Complex Assets
When giving back to support a favorite charity, are you using the right assets to make the greatest impact? While cash could fund your charitable giving, non-publicly traded or complex assets in your portfolio often provide a more tax-efficient and impactful way to support your favorite causes. Identifying and contributing your highly appreciated assets to a charity with a donor-advised fund program through Charles Schwab, Fidelity Charitable, Vanguard, or others will empower you to make more of a difference.
Please contact Mark Moriarty at (860) 882-1660 if you would like to learn more about First Tee – Connecticut’s Gift Acceptance Policy, which includes acceptance of most complex assets directly or in partnership with a third-party (Donor Advised Fund).
2024 Annual Giving Campaign – Thank You for Your Support!