Unleashing Potential: Selam Olson’s Inspiring Journey from First Tee – Connecticut to Trinity College

Selam Olson’s journey with First Tee – Connecticut started at the tender age of seven, driven by a shared passion for golf and community with her peers. Now 17, the Wallingford resident embarks on an exciting new chapter at Trinity College in Hartford as one of the select few – 24 students nationwide – to receive the prestigious First Tee National Scholarship. Olson’s story is a testament to dedication, community involvement and the transformative power of First Tee.

From the outset, Olson was determined to excel within First Tee – Connecticut. “During my freshman year, my goal was to make sure I was the best applicant possible for the scholarship program,” she shares. Her application process was a blend of simplicity and authenticity, featuring a video where she spoke directly to the camera, podcast style, discussing her aspirations, interests and personality.

Olson’s academic and extracurricular accomplishments are impressive. A sociology major with a minor in art history, she accumulated an astounding 668 hours of community service in high school. Her involvement spans various activities, including volunteering with the Special Olympics and coaching for First Tee – Connecticut. Reflecting on her commitment, she says, “Volunteer work has always been my main thing. I didn’t even realize I had so many hours until I counted them up.”

Olson’s weekly routine is a testament to her dedication. “During the school year, I spent early Thursday mornings at a local soup kitchen and this really highlights my passion for community and helping people,” she explains. Her efforts extended to securing an internship at the Hole in the Wall development office, further showcasing her initiative and drive.

Being part of the First Tee – Connecticut community is a cornerstone of Olson’s growth. “The community that First Tee has fostered has been an amazing experience and has helped prepare me for today and the future. They want the best for all of us; I feel very supported and have a network of people behind me,” she reflects. This sense of belonging and encouragement has propelled her to pursue unique opportunities, such as attending Choate Rosemary Hall, a private high school where she was a scholarship recipient.

Olson’s achievements culminated in her acceptance into the highly selective First Tee National Scholarship Program. “I am so grateful to First Tee. I did not expect to get the scholarship; it is very selective,” she says. Her excitement about joining Trinity College is palpable as she looks forward to continuing her involvement with First Tee – Connecticut and engaging in volunteer work both independently and with her school team.

For Olson, the future is bright with possibilities. She envisions a career in the nonprofit sector or public health, fields where her passion for community service can thrive. Her unique trajectory and steadfast commitment to giving back exemplify the values that First Tee – Connecticut instills in its participants.

Olson’s journey is not just about personal achievement but also about the power of community and support. “It’s exciting to meet a lot of other people interested in First Tee and experience this new chapter of life. I’m nervous and excited to pursue college and take the next step,” she shares. Her story is a powerful reminder that with dedication, passion and the right support system, anything is possible.

As Olson steps into this new phase of her life, she carries with her the lessons, values and spirit of First Tee. Her journey is an inspiration to all, illustrating how the combination of hard work, community involvement and a supportive network can lead to extraordinary accomplishments and a bright future.